Every industry and every organization has its own language, peculiarities and way of working. Each social network has its own features, characteristics, advertising possibilities and internal etiquette. Therefore, it’s crucial for the online success of an organization that the profile, needs and expectations of institution, target audience and platform users show a strong overlap.
At the request of the Eye Filmmuseum in Amsterdam, I gave a presentation combined with a workshop focused on the way that museums can use social media to form a more durable connection with their audience. What are the best practices within the cultural industries, what are its challenges, quick wins, strategic decisions for the future and where do we see opportunities for the Eye Filmmuseum? These and more questions have been asked – and answered.
“Bart’s presentation on how museums use social media to present their collections and programs to potential visitors was insightful and intelligent.”
Marnix van Wijk, Publicity Manager at EYE Filmmuseum