Clipper was founded in 1984 in a Dorset kitchen by a tea-obsessed husband and wife team. They wanted to share their love of great tea with a promise of ethical sourcing and natural production. Today there are more than 150 different Clipper products sold in over 50 countries. Clipper has long outgrown the kitchen, but all Clipper products are still blended in their factory in Beaminster, Dorset.
Clipper believes that every cup of tea counts. Their relentless quest for quality and attention to detail is matched only by their desire to always do the right thing. Therefore, ‘Natural, fair and delicious’ isn’t just a slogan; it’s the guide to every decision the Clipper team makes.
Bestoked was responsible for the Social Advertising of Clipper NL from the end of 2019 to half 2020.